‘Boujee Bby’ MUNGMUNG wants us all to feel Boujee AF, and why not? Nurture your talents, hold your loves close and thank them, enjoy every colour, use all of the emoji’s, and always, always make art.


Outside of your art form, where do you find inspiration?

I am a visual person so anything aesthetically pleasing just makes me giddy inside, like a super schmick colour combination or a piping video for a vintage cake. I live for that shit.


Where do you think you get your personal power from?

The love and support from the people around me. People who I can truly lean on - My family, friends and team. Ultimately, I look within myself too. I am the only one who can push myself to make the effort, put in the work and so forth.


Is there something you learnt early in your career that you have now disproven?

Not necessarily 'disproven', but something I hold dear is keeping my core values constant no matter my progress. Many creatives get caught up in clout and I did question whether that would get to me as well. So far, so good, can confirm I am not a hardcore clout chaser haha! I hope I stay true to myself, hanging with people I love and making dope shit that I love.


Is there a specific sonic theme, genre or instrument that you draw pure joy from?

Tchaikovsky goes hard, I'm just saying! I love a good synth or sine sound and any soulful chords, the more 7ths, 13ths and 9ths, the better!


How does visual aesthetic come to play in your work?

I can't envision the sonics without the visuals! For me it goes hand in hand. Perhaps that comes from my visual art and fashion background. I treat music like an art piece. There's the sonics but also it's dope when there's visual elements like a theme for the styling in that era, story-telling and/or aesthetic film clips and sick artwork. It further conveys the vision.


What are the core values behind your art?

Staying true to oneself, speaking on what's real and raw, being in tune with ones emotions; Beautiful and ugly and keeping it CUTE!


What are you holding whilst posing for an oil painting?

The Lil' Bo Bag by YELLOWGIRL.

People are coming over to dinner, what are you serving?

LOOKS! In addition Hainan Chicken Rice and Hainan Noodles.


Who are you taking on a date, and where are you going? (time travel is allowed)

Damn...Either Brendan Fraser or Marlon Brando. I can't choose. Maybe there can be a mad love triangle?! We going to a theme park or a cute dinner date where we'll go look at the city views at night.


Why do you think we are here on planet earth at this time?

I'm not sure but I am grateful for every second of every moment. To be alive now where society and people are at least a little more understanding or progressing slowly but surely is great. Work needs to be done but we're getting there. I hope we can all remember to take care or one another as well as the earth that we walk on


What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?

I sometimes have odd recurring dreams where I'm in a public toilet. My hands are gripping the sink and I flick my head up to stare at my own reflection. I begin monologuing to myself but as I am biting down on my teeth, I feel them loosening and they all fall out as if they are crumbs on a bitten cookie, down into the sink


If you were an ice cream flavour, what would it be?

To match my Boujee mood, either Bubblegum or Taro


Have you ever experienced true love?

Yes, with music. No man can ever make me feel the way music makes me feels


What are your most used emojis?

Probably all the hearts. At the moment I am tapping on the pink bow, purse, shopping bags, teddy bear, heels and dress heaps. Just Boujee tingz


If you could learn one new skill instantly, what would it be?

I wish I could beat box. That would be tight!


Are there any creatives you'd like to platform right now?

Hold ma poodle, I got you:

- Jordan Mung, a mad cinematographer

- Sophie Gianatti, crazy make up artist

- Ilgin Aykut, CUTE AF on the snaps, stills and film making yessuh

- John Azzi, designs the most intricate and delightful garments

- Klaws By Katya, nail tech goddess

- Kaiit, amaaaazing soulful artist and also does make up

See more from MUNGMUNG here



