Astrophe had the pleasure of talking to Chanel Loren, a rising singer-songwriter, on her musical dialogue, confidence and the recent release of ‘Disappear’. She’s only released two tracks so far, but Chanel Loren’s soulful rhythm and relatable lyrics are bound to have you playing it on repeat. 

Your new release ‘Disappear’ explores love and connection. Can you talk us through the creative process of  ‘Disappear’ and the decision making behind slowing the tempo for this track? 
This song was a slow process! I wrote this song a while back in a session, but didn’t think much of it until I started creating again in 2020. The song was always a slow tempo but they style changed a lot once I linked up with GXNXVS.

Are there any particular role models that have influenced your artistry up to this point? 
Artists such as Etta Bond, Jorja Smith and Amy Winehouse influenced me a lot. I intentionally started to listen to UK female singers to appreciate my style and accent. I always felt I had to conform to a certain sound or style until I discovered them.

Do you often struggle sharing such an open dialogue in your music or has this been something you’ve always wanted to create for your audience? 
I approach each song as an audio journal, I tend to write about my personal experiences, topics that intrigue me or conversations with my friends/family.

Outside of music, when do you feel most confident? 
That’s a hard question! I think I feel most confident when I’m by myself or with friends because I can be vulnerable without feeling judged

What challenges have you discovered when navigating a space for yourself as a woman in the music industry? 
Thankfully I haven’t experienced a lot of challenges (yet), but I have experienced the need to be assertive just to be heard.

What has been your biggest ‘pinch me’ moment so far since your debut release of ‘Playlist’? 
That people actually like it and that all the negative thoughts were my own lol! Honestly thought no one would like it.

Finally, what can we expect from you in the near future? Are there any upcoming projects we can look forward to  seeing from you?
More music to come! I can’t wait to release more songs and showcase my multifaceted experiences.

Words by Daniel Hanslow / Images by Olivia Repaci / More from Chanel Loren here



